Thursday 9 July 2015

Norwegan Air ha anunciado nuevas rutas nacionales en España

La aerolínea 'low cost' proporcionará 28 frecuencias semanales en el mercado entre la Península y las Islas, lo que equivale a 56 vuelos a la semana y casi 10.500 asientos disponibles.
Norwegian incorporará siete nuevas rutas entre la Península y Canarias a partir de octubre de este año, con 10.500 asientos y hasta 28 frecuencias semanales, según ha anunciado el fundador y consejero delegado de la compañía, Bjorn Kjos.

A partir del 25 de octubre, la aerolínea 'low cost' unirá diariamente el aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas con el aeropuerto de Gran Canaria y el aeropuerto de Tenerife Norte.
Desde el aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat, Norwegian volará a Gran Canaria y Tenerife Norte a partir del 26 de octubre, y al aeropuerto de Fuerteventura a partir del 27 de octubre.

También a partir del 26 de octubre, la aerolínea noruega operará vuelos desde Málaga al aeropuerto de Tenerife Norte, y el 30 de octubre iniciará sus vuelos desde el aeropuerto de Málaga hacia Gran Canaria.

Por otro lado, desde la compañía aérea han destacado que para la puesta en marcha de estas nuevas rutas incorporará dos aviones Boeing 737 en su flota en España y, generará 150 puestos de trabajo directos. En España emplea a 900 personas.

"Fuerte" arraigo en España

El fundador y consejero delegado de la compañía aérea, Bjorn Kjos, ha afirmado que esta expansión de vuelos en el mercado doméstico español significa un "fuerte" arraigo de la aerolínea de bajo coste en España.
Con respecto a abrir nuevas bases de operaciones en el país, Kjos ha agregado que el objetivo de la aerolínea es expandir las bases ya existentes, entre las que ha subrayado las de Madrid y Barcelona, no abrir "otros" hubs.
Actualmente, opera 133 rutas domésticas desde Barcelona, Madrid, Alicante, Málaga, Tenerife Sur y Gran Canaria, que realiza con una flota de 18 aviones.
Por su parte, Kjos ha indicado que se incluirán más rutas domésticas en el mercado español, tanto en el ámbito turístico como en el segmento de negocios, que serán anunciadas a partir de otoño de este año.

Nuevas rutas a EEUU

Además, el fundador de la compañía aérea noruega ha señalado que se incorporarán nuevas rutas de largo radio entre España y Estados Unidos a partir de 2017.
Kjos no ha especificado cual serán los destinos ofertados. Sin embargo, ha manifestado que podrán ser uno de los aeropuertos en los que ya opera la aerolínea, entre los que destacan Nueva York, San Francisco o Los Ángeles.
En cuanto al mercado asiático, el consejero delegado de Norwegian ha asegurado que la aerolínea prevé incorporar vuelos desde Europa a Asia pero aún no están definidos ni los destinos ni las fechas de inicio de operaciones.

Premios de la Aerolínea:

    Europas beste lavprisselskap 2015

Europe’s Best Low-Cost Airline
Awarded by:
    Europas beste lavprisselskap    
Europe’s Best Low-Cost Airline
Awarded by
Sky Trax World Airline Awards
    Verdens beste lavprisskap    
World's best low cost, long haul airline
Awarded by
Sky Trax World Airline Awards

Best in region: Europe
Best in region: Europe
      Awarded by: Passenger  Choice Awards
Best Single Achievement Award    
Best Single Achievement Award
Awarded by: Passenger  Choice Awards
   For Norwegian’s moving map on the 787 Dreamliners. 
    Europe’s Best Low-Cost Carrier of the Year    
Europe’s Best Low-Cost Carrier of the Year
Awarded by: Sky Trax World Airline Awards
It is the passengers themselves who have evaluated over 200 airlines worldwide in what is described as the most prestigious award in the airline industry.
    Airline With Most New Long-Haul Routes    
Airline With Most New Long-Haul Routes
Awarded by: Anna Aero
    Biggest New Airline in the US Market    
Biggest New Airline in the US Market
Awarded by: Anna Aero
Best Inflight Connectivity and Communications
Best Inflight Connectivity and Communications
Awarded by: Passenger  Choice Awards
For Norwegian’s free in-flight WiFi.
    Europe’s Best Low-Cost Airline    
Europe’s Best Low-Cost Airline
Awarded by:
    Best Low-Cost Airline of the World    
Best Low-Cost Airline of the World
Awarded by: Air Transport News
    Best value for money    
Best value for money
Awarded by:
    Based on a survey of UK airline passengers.


    Europe’s Best Low-Cost Carrier of the Year    
Europe’s Best Low-Cost Carrier of the Year
Awarded by: Sky Trax World Airline Awards
It is the passengers themselves who have evaluated over 200 airlines worldwide in what is described as the most prestigious award in the airline industry.
    Highest Customer Satisfaction    
Highest Customer Satisfaction
Awarded by: Svensk Kvalitetsindex (Swedish Quality Index)
    Best Inflight Connectivity and Communications    
Best Inflight Connectivity and Communications
Awarded by: Passenger Choice Awards
For Norwegian’s free in-flight WiFi.


Norwegian takes off in the Spanish domestic market with seven routes into the Canary Islands

Starting 25 October, Norwegian will link Madrid with daily flights to Gran Canaria and Tenerife North, whereas Barcelona will be served to Gran Canaria, Tenerife North and Fuerteventura, and Malaga to Gran Canaria and Tenerife South, with fares starting for as little as €39.50 one-way, taxes included

Norwegian will deliver over 10,416 weekly seats into the Canary Islands market, a figure that amounts to over 230,000 seats in the first winter season, thus helping to reverse the downward trend connectivity to the archipelago has suffered over the last few years. Norwegian will be the first airline to offer free Wi-Fi connection onboard Spanish domestic flights.

Alfons Claver, Norwegian's Communications Manager in Spain, together with CEO Bjørn Kjos, kick off today's press conference in Spain“Today's announcement represents Norwegian’s coming of age in Spain,” said Bjørn Kjos, Norwegian’s founder and CEO, today in Madrid.
“Figures speak volumes: Norwegian offers 133 routes in and out of 15 Spanish airports, of which six are operating bases, and employs almost 900 people in the country. One-fifth of our entire fleet is based here. The launch of this first batch of seven domestic routes makes our commitment to Spain all the more evident.”
“What’s more, today’s launch is first and foremost a move for the public good, for it will help reverse the trend whereby the market between the Continent and the Canaries was suffering a constant reduction in capacity with a commensurate increase in the price of air fares. In that way, our move into the Spanish domestic market will bring about better service, lower fares and therefore more choices in the benefit of the Spanish consumers.”

“We are looking forward to seeing our customers enjoying of our brand-new aircraft, professional crews, and generous, Scandinavian-length leg room —not to forget the fact that Norwegian will be the first airline ever to offer free Wi-Fi connection onboard Spanish domestic flights.”

Fantastic effort from the IT department at Norwegian
Norwegian's IT department has worked hard to facilitiate this launch - a big thank you to everyone who has been involved! 
A much needed and welcome moveWith today’s announcement, Norwegian will provide 28 domestic weekly frequencies (equivalent to 56 weekly flights) in the Mainland – Canary Islands market, which translates into 10,416 seats on any given week, and a total of over 230,000 seats during its first season of operations (Winter 15, running from October 2015 to March 2016).

Available capacity between Spain’s Mainland and the Canary Islands has suffered an important decline over the last few years. According to data recently provided by the Infrastructure Ministry (Ministerio de Fomento), in 2011 the Canaries Islands enjoyed a combined supply of 9.03m seats with the Continent; by 2014, this figure had decreased to 7.55m seats —a drop of 1.47m seats, or minus 16.4%.

In weekly terms, supply went from an average of 173,222 seats per week in 2011 to 144,880 seats in 2014, which amounts to an average loss of 28,341 weekly seats over the said period: Norwegian’s 10,416 weekly seats alone will compensate 37% of such loss.

As a consequence of the reduced level of competition, average air fares have increased by more than 10% over the same period of time, going from an average €214 in 2011 to an average €236 in 2013 in a return trip between the Canaries and the Mainland (before accounting for the 50% rebate Canary Islands residents are entitled to), all this amid a general deflationary environment.

Norwegian’s introductory fares (one-way, taxes included) start at €39.60 in the routes to/from Malaga, €49.70 in those routes to/from Barcelona, and €49.80 in those to/from Madrid.                        

New routes, weekly frequencies, and days of operations are as follows:

Madrid to:Tenerife North, daily departures. Start date: 25 October. Fares from €49.80 one way, taxes and charges included.
Gran Canaria, daily departures. Start date: 25 October. Fares from €49.80 one way, taxes and charges included.

Barcelona to:
Tenerife North, four weekly departures, every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Start date: 26 October. Fares from €49.70 one way, taxes included.
Gran Canaria, three weekly departures, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Start date: 26 October. Fares from €49.70 one way, taxes and charges included.
Fuerteventura, three weekly departures, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Start date: 27 October. Fares from €49.70 one way, taxes and charges included.

Malaga to:
Tenerife South, two weekly departures, every Monday and Friday. Start date: 26 October. Fares from €39.60 one way, taxes and charges included.
Gran Canaria, two weekly departures, every Friday and Sunday. Start date: 30 October. Fares from €39.60 one way, taxes and charges included.

Norwegian in SpainHaving started operations in Spain in 2003, Norwegian is now the country’s seventh largest airline by passenger volume, having carried 4.89m passengers in the twelve months to May 2015.
Norwegian operates 133 routes out of 15 Spanish airports, of which six are operating bases (Alicante, Barcelona, Gran Canaria, Madrid, Malaga and Tenerife South), where it keeps one-fifth of its fleet of 96 aircrafts and employs almost 900 people.
Since its start of operations, Norwegian has carried over 17m passengers in Spain.


    Europas beste lavprisselskap 2015
Europe’s Best Low-Cost Airline
Awarded by:
    Europas beste lavprisselskap    
Europe’s Best Low-Cost Airline
Awarded by Sky Trax World Airline Awards
    Verdens beste lavprisskap    
World's best low cost, long haul airline
Awarded by Sky Trax World Airline Awards


Best in region: Europe  
Best in region: Europe
      Awarded by: Passenger  Choice Awards
Best Single Achievement Award      
Best Single Achievement Award
Awarded by: Passenger  Choice Awards
   For Norwegian’s moving map on the 787 Dreamliners. 
    Europe’s Best Low-Cost Carrier of the Year    
Europe’s Best Low-Cost Carrier of the Year
Awarded by: Sky Trax World Airline Awards
It is the passengers themselves who have evaluated over 200 airlines worldwide in what is described as the most prestigious award in the airline industry.
    Airline With Most New Long-Haul Routes    
Airline With Most New Long-Haul Routes
Awarded by: Anna Aero
    Biggest New Airline in the US Market    
Biggest New Airline in the US Market
Awarded by: Anna Aero
Best Inflight Connectivity and Communications  
Best Inflight Connectivity and Communications
Awarded by: Passenger  Choice Awards
For Norwegian’s free in-flight WiFi.
    Europe’s Best Low-Cost Airline    
Europe’s Best Low-Cost Airline
Awarded by:
    Best Low-Cost Airline of the World    
Best Low-Cost Airline of the World
Awarded by: Air Transport News
    Best value for money    
Best value for money
Awarded by:
    Based on a survey of UK airline passengers.


    Europe’s Best Low-Cost Carrier of the Year    
Europe’s Best Low-Cost Carrier of the Year
Awarded by: Sky Trax World Airline Awards
It is the passengers themselves who have evaluated over 200 airlines worldwide in what is described as the most prestigious award in the airline industry.
    Highest Customer Satisfaction    
Highest Customer Satisfaction
Awarded by: Svensk Kvalitetsindex (Swedish Quality Index)
    Best Inflight Connectivity and Communications    
Best Inflight Connectivity and Communications
Awarded by: Passenger Choice Awards
For Norwegian’s free in-flight WiFi.