Wednesday 24 September 2014

Iceland volcano spews lava fountains of up to 100m

   For the last month, scientists have been closely observing Iceland’s volcanic activity, with the Bardarbunga volcano continually spewing lava and sending tremors across the island.

According to the Iceland Review, at least 40 earthquakes were recorded from Vatnajökull glacier since Sept. 15. The strongest earthquake took place in August, recording a measured magnitude of 5.7. There was even an eruption that was beautifully framed underneath the Aurora Borealis.

While many nearby residents have been evacuated, volcanic scientists stay behind to study the aftermath of the eruptions, including researchers from the University of Iceland’s Institute of Earth Sciences, who were able to get incredibly close to the lava thanks to heavy equipment that includes fire-resistant flight suits, helmets and face masks.

Tim Orr, the head Geologist at the U.S. Geological Survey’s Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, described the laden perils of the job to Tested. “You have to do it very quickly,” Orr said. “I don’t take my time. If you’re close enough the radiant heat from the lava will burn your bare skin if it’s exposed so we wear gloves, leather boots, a face mask, and sunglasses.”