Thursday 23 October 2014

Airbus want us to cross the atlantic in only 1h

   Airbus cooperates with the Aerospace investigations and studies office (ONERA, in french) a prestigious  french institution. The equivalent to NASA, specially in aspects like the use of bio-fuel and electric propulsion. On another hand, the japanese agency (JAXA), that executed its own supersonic project back in 1997, its working on the S3TD ( Silent Supersonic Technology Demonstrator) enphasising on the demonstration of new technologies in order to reduce the sonic BOOM and the aerodinamic drag.

   But the supersonic transport of goods and passengers presents a great challenge to technology and cientist,  there are success like the HTV-2 that can fly at Mach 20 almost 21 000khm/h and its outside temperature can reach 2000 C caused by the air friction. The problem is not only finding materials able to stand that temperature but also the design of an air conditioning system able to make the interior of the airliner cool enough for its future passengers.

   On another hand there is the prototype ZEHST ( Zero emissions high speed transport) that will be ready for its first demonstration flight in a period of 6 years and hopefuly ready to opereate with passengers in 2050. As its name says, this aeroplane will produce no emissions that afcts the global warming as its power source is based on electricity and bio fuels extracted from sea begans. This plane will be able to fly at 32000m of altitude, three times the current cruise altitude, and its sonic BOOM will not be heard from the earth surface despite of its cruise speed that will be Mach 4, twice the speed of the famous Concorde. When it is ready it will be able to fly from LA to Tokio in only 2:30h.