Saturday 30 May 2015

Strikes called by air traffic controllers and Ryanair handling staff

Barcelona airport ATC tower / Victor
Spain’s air traffic controllers’ union (USCA) has called partial strikes for June 8, 10, 12, and 14 to protest the national airport authority’s decision to sanction 61 controllers over a wildcat stoppage that led to the total closure of Spanish air space in December 2010.” This is part of the information which was published in the English version of ElPais yesterday.

At the same time, ElConfidencial informed this morning that Ángel Luis Arias Serrano has been appointed Director General of Enaire. Julio Gómez-Pomar continues to be chairman, being Secretary State for Infraestructure which corresponds to the Ministry of Development (Fomento). However, due to heavy workload as such, with his responsibilities in the Government, Enaire was lacking a chief executive. That’s why Ángel Luis Arias Serrano has been appointed. Until now, he has been Director General of Civil Aviation which, in turn, corresponds to the Ministry of Development (Fomento) as well. Joining Enaire, the first problem he will find is precisely the just announced air traffic controllers’ strike.

Meanwhile, yesterday Expansion informed that unions CTA, UGT, CCO and CGT have confirmed the call for a Ryanair Handling staff open-ended strike in the Madrid airport. This strike is expected to start on May 30. It has been called in protest of the expected labour condition changes. According to the representatives of the unions, Ryanair intends to cut the employee’s salaries between 20% and 30%, breaching the collective bargaining agreement after 10 years of working at the airport for different airlines. Ryanair terminated its contract with Swissport and they were supposed to subrogate staff from the handling company in the same conditions.